Frequently Asked Questions
For any other inquiries, please contact us at hello@gowiththeflowsg.com
When and where can I donate?
Our donation boxes rove from place to place every month – check out this page for current locations. Please contact donate@gowiththeflowsg.com for bulk donations.
Find out more here for alternative ways to donate.
What can I donate?
We encourage sealed packs of sanitary pads and pantyliners of any length and size. We also accept sealed, unused reusable period products such as cloth pads, period underwear and menstrual cups. Tampon donations are discouraged. Opened and/or unsealed products are strictly unaccepted.
Which is better – monetary or menstrual product donations?
Both are equally helpful - but we encourage heading to our donation boxes as it allows the community to be directly involved. Monetary donations will also be as helpful, and will be used to fund our operations and more products for our beneficiaries.
Who are my donations going to?
GWTF has beneficiaries from different places. Every month, our volunteers pack and deliver to beneficiaries under accredited social service agencies such as Family Service Centres, People’s Association, YWCA, aLife and many more! We also support individuals from mutual aid requests. For any beneficiary-related inquiries, please email beneficiaries@gowiththeflowsg.com.
We are a social service agency that would like to register to receive pads for our clients, how do we go about this?
Please order pads via our order form, tinyurl.com/GWTForder
I would like to volunteer with GWTF!
Please join our Telegram Channel (t.me/gwtfvolunteer) for volunteer opportunities. For any volunteer-related inquiries, please email volunteers@gowiththeflowsg.com. More info here.
I would like to collaborate on social media!
Email us at social@gowiththeflowsg.com for social media collaborations.
How else can I support GWTF?
As a new organization, we rely heavily on support through donations or spreading the word about our cause. We also welcome fresh ideas – talk to us at partnerships@gowiththeflowsg.com.

Go With The Flow is an official registered society in Singapore.
UEN: T22SS0073C