Donate to our cause
Go With The Flow is an official registered society in Singapore! To support us, you can PayNow donations to our UEN at:
UEN: T22SS0073C
You should see entity name: GO WITH THE FLOW
Please write ‘cash donation’ under reference
Please note that cash donations are non-tax deductible. For any donation-related inquiries, please email donate@gowiththeflowsg.com.
Thank you for helping to make menstrual products accessible to our beneficiaries!
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Donate pads to our donation boxes across Singapore
Click below to find out where we're located across Singapore.
P.S. If you would like to hold your own donation drive, contact us at partnerships@gowiththeflowsg.com!
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GWTF Merchandise
Support our cause by purchasing our newly released merchandise! 100% of profits will go towards helping our cause.
Buy our GWTF
Sticker Pack
In addition to our donation boxes, you can donate by purchasing a GWTF Sticker Pack of 5 stickers for only SGD 4. 💵 100% of the profits will go towards funding for the operating costs of our organisation, which also includes purchasing sanitary pads for our beneficiaries!
Click the "Buy Now" button below to view the different sticker designs (created by the GWTF Team!) and place your order.
For any donation-related inquiries, please email donate@gowiththeflowsg.com.
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Go With The Flow is an official registered society in Singapore.
UEN: T22SS0073C